Why Luck Isn’t Real – New Trader U

In a world where the idea of luck often clouds our perception of success and failure, it’s time to unravel the truth behind this commonly held belief. Is luck a real force shaping our lives, or is it merely a convenient excuse for the unexplained twists of fate?

This article dives deep into why the concept of luck might be more myth than reality. We’ll explore how mathematics, cause and effect, and our actions play a far more significant role in determining our outcomes than the elusive notion of luck.

The Mathematics and Probability Behind Outcomes

Let’s begin with mathematics and probability. These fields offer a scientific perspective that often contradicts the concept of luck. In likelihood, every event is part of a statistical distribution. This includes the supposedly rare or lucky occurrences.

For instance, winning the lottery, while extraordinary, is an event within a predefined probability spectrum. The success that appears as a stroke of luck in a lottery is often a low-probability event manifesting itself. Most lottery winners buy many lottery tickets over time or as part of groups pooling their money to get the odds of winning more in their favor.

Cause and Effect: The Reality Behind Success

Moving beyond numbers, the cause-and-effect principle further erodes the concept of luck’s foundation. This principle dictates that every outcome has a specific cause. In the context of financial success or professional achievements, it’s not random luck but a series of actions and decisions that lead to a particular outcome.

Successful individuals in various fields don’t just stumble upon their achievements; they work towards them with intention and strategy. What people see so many times as overnight success was a culmination of working toward something for years or a decade before achievement. Luck doesn’t scale in careers, business, or investing. One-off events are not helpful with long-term goals.

The Psychological Impact of Believing in Luck

Believing in luck isn’t just a benign superstition; it has profound psychological implications. When people attribute their successes or failures to luck, they relinquish control and accountability for their actions.

This mindset can lead to a passive approach to life, where one waits for good fortune rather than actively pursuing goals. Understanding that success is a byproduct of one’s actions rather than luck can empower individuals to take charge of their lives.

Case Studies: Luck in Poker and the Stock Market

Consider poker and the stock market – two realms where luck is often cited as a significant player. However, a closer look reveals that skill, strategy, and informed decision-making are driving forces. In poker, for instance, consistent winners rely on their understanding of the game, probability, and psychology rather than mere chance.

Similarly, successful traders in the stock market use research for system development and risk management to make strategic trades based on risk/reward ratios and probabilities of success over time that are often misconceived as lucky guesses. A statistical edge is attributed too many times to luck.

Persistent Efforts vs. The Illusion of Random Wins

This leads us to the importance of persistence over the illusion of random wins. Success is not the result of a random stroke of luck. It’s the culmination of continuous efforts, learning, and adapting.

The concept of creating your luck emerges from this persistence. By consistently working towards a goal, you increase the probability of achieving desired outcomes, which some might mistakenly label as luck. The theory of luck ignores what it takes to capitalize on it. What really happens is opportunity is seized through skills and intelligent decisions, and that’s not luck.

Redefining Success: Effort Over Fortune

Success, therefore, should be redefined as a product of effort and not the whims of fortune. This perspective is not just empowering but also rooted in reality. It emphasizes the value of personal responsibility and hard work over the unpredictability of luck. When we start to view success through this lens, we recognize the power of our actions and decisions in shaping our lives.

The Dangers of a Luck-Centric Mindset

A luck-centric mindset is not just limiting; it can be downright dangerous. It fosters a victim mentality, where individuals attribute their circumstances to factors beyond their control. This belief system can lead to bitterness and a passive approach to life. By contrast, understanding that we have a significant role in crafting our destiny can be a powerful motivator.

Real-Life Stories: Hard Work Behind ‘Lucky’ Achievements

The stories of successful individuals often reveal a narrative far different from mere luck. These narratives are filled with hard work, determination, and perseverance. The sacrifices and struggles that pave the way to success are rarely visible in the outcome, leading to the misperception of luck.

Acknowledging the real journey behind achievements can shift our perspective from attributing success to luck to recognizing the value of effort and resilience.

Embracing Agency and Rejecting Luck

The myth of luck must be dispelled for a more empowering and realistic understanding of success. The universe rewards actions, not passive hopes. If you aspire to lead a life marked by success and excellence, abandoning the fallacy of luck is crucial. Focus on productive actions, and you’ll find that the desired outcomes are within your reach, crafted not by chance but by your own efforts and actions.

Key Takeaways

  • Statistical Reality vs. Perceived Fortune: Success often stems from understanding and leveraging statistical probabilities, not random good fortune.
  • Actionable Causes Lead to Tangible Effects: Achievements are typically the result of deliberate actions and strategies rather than chance occurrences.
  • Psychological Consequences of a Luck Belief: Relying on luck can lead to a passive mindset, hindering proactive life choices.
  • Skill and Strategy Over Chance: Proficiency and informed planning are essential in areas often misconstrued as luck-driven, such as poker and trading.
  • The Power of Persistence: Consistent effort and dedication increase the likelihood of desired outcomes, contradicting the notion of accidental success.
  • Redefining Achievement Through Effort: Recognizing success as a byproduct of effort encourages a more empowered and accountable approach to life goals.
  • The Pitfalls of a Luck-Based Perspective: Viewing life through a lens of luck can foster a victim mentality, obstructing personal growth and fulfillment.
  • Real Success Stories Illuminate Hard Work: The untold efforts behind successful individuals often debunk the myth of luck in their achievements.


This exploration into the fallacy of luck reveals that triumph and prosperity are forged through calculated decisions, continuous efforts, and a deep understanding of cause and effect. By embracing this truth, we empower ourselves to be architects of our destinies, crafting success through purposeful actions rather than relying on the whims of fate.

As we dispel the illusions of chance and embrace the principles of effort and strategic planning, we unlock our potential for achieving our goals. This shift in perspective is pivotal in understanding that ‘luck’ isn’t an elusive force but a product of our own making, directly challenging the core idea that luck is real.

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