Unveiling SwapMode’s Phase #1 Allocation: Introducing the DevDrop Distribution Plan | by SwapMode | Apr, 2024


Hello SwapMode Family! $MODE DevDrop is here!!!

Our Mode network DevDrop has finally arrived, and we’re thrilled to announce that we’re giving it all back to you, our SwapMode family. Yes, that’s right — 100% of the NFTs representing the $MODE token airdrop are heading your way. We’re proud to be the third-largest recipient of this airdrop, and we’re all about sharing the love.

Here’s How It Works: The airdrop is split into 3 phases, and we’re kicking off with Phase 1 which has 35% weightage. Here’s the breakdown: Phase 1–35% $MODE Allocation:

  • 5% for Early Birds: If you joined us early and participated in the presale of $SMD & $xSMD, we’re giving 5% of the allocation as a big thank you for trusting us from the start.
  • 10% for TVL Champions: If you’ve been a contributor of our TVL, we’ve set aside 10% for you. This includes both our long-time supporters and newcomers who join us over the next week until the snapshot date on 05/01/2024.
  • 7% for Swap Veterans: For those who have made historical swaps, we’re allocating 7%. This also extends to anyone who gets involved in the coming week until the snapshot on 05/01/2024.
  • 7% for SMD Stalwarts: If you’ve been holding, staking, or providing liquidity in $SMD, there’s 7% reserved for you, which also includes new participants until the snapshot on 05/01/2024.
  • 1% for $Mochad Coin Holders: Holders of our meme community i.e. $Mochad coin aren’t left out. You’ll get 1% of the allocation if you hold on until the snapshot next week on 05/01/2024.

Weightage System Explained: For the 10% and 7% allocations, we’re applying a 70/30 weightage system. This means 70% of these allocations will reward our historical leaders, and 30% will go to the new folks joining us this week.] Join the SwapMode Family If you’re not yet part of our community, it’s not too late! There’s a whole week for you to dive in and join the family. Don’t worry if you feel you’re a bit late to the party — stick around because Phases 2 and 3 are coming, and our most loyal members always get rewarded the most.

Just a heads up! To make sure everyone has a fair chance in this exciting phase, there’s a small requirement to keep in mind. For swaps, you’ll need to have at least $50, and for being part of our TVL, a minimum of $100 is required. As for our Mochad coin holders, only the top 150 holders will qualify for the airdrop. This is to ensure that everyone who participates is genuinely invested in our community’s growth. So, let’s get involved and make the most of this opportunity!

So, a huge thank you for being with us. We’re excited to see our family grow and to give back to those who have been on this journey with us. Remember, it’s never too late to be part of something special.

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