Supra: Powering the Future of Web3 with Secure & Scalable Oracles | by Loes | May, 2024


What are Oracles and Why are They Important in Web3?

Imagine a complex dApp like a decentralized prediction market or a play-to-earn game. These applications rely on external data sources to function properly. For example, a prediction market needs real-world event outcomes to determine winners, while a play-to-earn game might require price feeds for in-game assets.

Oracles act as bridges between blockchains and the outside world, providing secure and verifiable data feeds. However, traditional oracles have limitations. They can be centralized, meaning a single entity controls the data feed, creating a potential single point of failure and manipulation.

Supra: The Future of Decentralized Oracles

Supra is building a next-generation oracle network designed to address these limitations. Here’s what sets Supra apart:

  • Decentralized and Secure: Supra leverages a network of independent validators to ensure data feeds are tamper-proof and reliable. No single entity controls the data, promoting trust and transparency.
  • High Performance: Supra boasts incredibly fast data delivery, crucial for real-time applications. This makes it ideal for dApps requiring low latency and accurate data feeds.
  • Cross-Chain Compatibility: Supra isn’t limited to a single blockchain. It offers cross-chain functionality, allowing dApps built on different blockchains to access secure data feeds seamlessly.

Beyond Oracles: Supra’s Expanding Ecosystem

Supra’s vision goes beyond just oracles. They’re also developing other critical Web3 infrastructure, including:

  • Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs): These are cryptographic tools crucial for generating fair randomness in dApps like games and lotteries.
  • Smart Contract Automation: Supra aims to simplify dApp development by offering tools for automated smart contract execution.

Why Should You Care About Supra?

As the Web3 landscape continues to evolve, secure and reliable data feeds will be essential. Supra is at the forefront of this revolution, offering a robust and scalable solution for developers building the next generation of dApps.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Learn More: Visit to delve deeper into Supra’s technology and roadmap.
  • Join the Community: Follow Supra on social media (links on their website) to stay updated on the latest developments and discussions.
  • Build on Supra: If you’re a developer, consider building your dApp on Supra’s secure and powerful infrastructure.

By supporting projects like Supra, we can contribute to a more decentralized and secure future for Web3.

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