People have terrible OPSEC

I frequented this sub (under an old account I think) during the good old UASF/Bcash/blocksize war saga and a little before, from around late 2016 on. From Jihan’s infamous “f*** your mother if you want f***” legendary Tweet to Ver’s epic meltdown on podcast, some really fun times. Bitcoin to $1,000 then the subsequent run up during UASF (around $5-9K iirc?) was so much fun. So exhilarating, the range of emotions felt during the run and whatnot, nothing nowadays compares. But I digress.

One thing I remember from this forum back then was people at least tried to practice good OPSEC hygiene.

Nowadays, however, I see so many posts with public declarations of how much bitcoin people have or have managed to hit with their stack. While it’s a commendable achievement that I’m sure people want to share and celebrate with fellow degens on Reddit, for the love of God, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, shared common ancestor monkey or whoever it is you want to worship and/or believe in, please, protect yourselves at all times!! Rule number 1!!

Do people nowadays really not understand how terrible OPSEC publicly declaring their stack really is?

Do people understand what they are exposing themselves to with public declarations?

Are the 500 or so upvotes worth it? The “great job!” replies might invoke good vibes and a temporary adrenaline rush but is it worth risking the security and safety of yourselves and your families over it?

I might get hate for saying that and I’m sure I’ll be downvoted but I don’t care, I care more about people putting their safety and wellbeing at the forefront. We need to do a better job of raising awareness about that.

Come on people, please think about it…

submitted by /u/i_am_starborn

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