Optopia: Airdrop confirmed Eth layer 2 (Artificial intelligence) Optopia.ai, in comparison to other Ethereum Layer 2 networks, places a stronger emphasis on innovating AI standards and exploring AI… – Airdrop Finder

Optopia: Airdrop confirmed Eth layer 2 (Artificial intelligence)

Optopia.ai, in comparison to other Ethereum Layer 2 networks, places a stronger emphasis on innovating AI standards and exploring AI application scenarios. Optopia is an L2 Blockchain specifically designed for artificial intelligence (AI) applications. It is committed to pioneering AI application standards and exploring various AI use cases. Built on the Op Stack, Optopia ensures 100% EVM compatibility while providing exceptional performance, minimal costs, and robust security for AI applications. Its mission is to drive the advancement and practical adoption of AI technology.

🟥Website: https://optopia.ai/voyage?inviter=riza5940


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  4. Bridge

🟥Galxe: https://app.galxe.com/quest/bW9Fx6YsdqaKZ9Ac5ty8UZ/

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