LNbits hosted on my site

LNbits hosted on my site

now that phoenix is going away i wanted to start using my lightning node again. i used to have lnbits set up so that it would publish to my website so i could access it via Zeus while on the go.

i reset it up, but the problem i am having is that it runs on my local network, but when i go to my site it won't load the page all the way. if i try to put in my wallet address it says missing user id or access token. just wondering if anyone knows if there is a quick fix for this?


works correctly on home server


using an argo tunnel to host on my site


when I go to my site, it doesn't fully load


if I put in my wallet address behind my site name, I get this error.

I have a feeling it has something to do with the app admin privileges but I'm not sure what or how to change it.

submitted by /u/cpthead

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