I’m creating onchain token ETFs for Ethereum at DamFi.io

Hey everyone, I'm Patrick, CEO and cofounder of DamFi. I'm trying to spread the word about my project that will be launching soon on Ethereum called DamFi.

DamFi at its core is an onchain crypto investment platform built to make diverse investing simple and profitable while lowering risk. Essentially ETFs for ERC-20 tokens

This is achieved through our Dams (yes, it's beaver themed)

Think of a Dam as a basket of diverse tokens that will automatically rebalance its holdings within defined parameters. Not only does this provide more stable risk management in the incredibly volatile crypto market but it makes diversifying much easier. Similar projects have been attempted before but have mostly failed because of smart contract limitations. We are able to keep fees low through the use of Ora's zkVM to handle the bulk of our computations, so you're paying to verify, not compute.

There are blue chip dams, various sector dams like defi and restaking that will actually restake on eigenlayer.

We will also be providing the tools to create your own dam that anyone can invest in should they choose to. Maybe youre the first to recognize an emerging sector or you want to get a little wild and experiment with wacky token configurations and parameters. We won’t stop you

And we can’t, DamFi is permissionless and decentralized

Whether you’re a seasoned investor looking for ease and efficiency or a newcomer looking for exposure without the hassle of cutting your teeth, Dams greatly simplify your crypto investing.

Check us out



We also have a galxe space


submitted by /u/deputy1389

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