“Get Ready to Play and Earn Big: Telegram’s New Play-to-Earn Games are Here!” | by DD3_Web3_Drops | Apr, 2024


Play-to-earn games on Telegram are a type of game where players can earn cryptocurrency or other rewards by participating in the game. These games are often built on blockchain technology, which allows for the creation of tokenized assets and in-game items that can be bought, sold, and traded securely.

  1. xBlast

xBlast is a new and innovative free crypto mining opportunity that operates within Telegram. It is a decentralized application (DApp) built on the Blast Layer2 network, offering users a platform to engage in cryptocurrency mining seamlessly integrated into their Telegram accounts. The core of the xBlast ecosystem is the $XBL token, the native currency that drives the project. Users can earn $XBL tokens by participating in the mining process, which can be initiated through a simple account creation process.

Additionally, xBlast features the in-app token wXBL, which fuels the ecosystem and provides users with various functionalities, such as upgrading their spaceship and purchasing boosters. The platform also offers airdrops as a way to reward active participation and engagement within the community, allowing users to enhance their crypto portfolios and benefit from their dedication.

The Native token is XBL.

JOIN xBlast Today, Sign UP HERE : https://t.me/XBlastAppBot/App?startapp=TXTBBK

2. Vertus Mining App

The Vertus App Telegram bot is for mining $VERT tokens. By clicking on this link and starting the app, users can create a Vertus wallet and begin mining Vert tokens passively. The Vertus cryptocurrency is built on the TON blockchain, aiming to democratize access to cryptocurrency and make it accessible to all users. Users can complete missions within the app to earn more Vert tokens, upgrade their account for increased mining speed, and invite friends to earn referral rewards. Additionally, the app offers features like Farm levels, Piggy Bank, and Settlement to enhance the mining experience and rewards.

You can create an account today.

Want to join but don’t have an account? Let’s start;

  1. JOIN Vertus HERE and get referral points: https://t.me/vertus_app_bot/app?startapp=2020655791
  2. Sign in into your new account.
  3. Perform all tasks
  4. Refer friends and family

3. BNB(Cold)Wallet

The main objective of BNB is to fuel the operations of the cryptocurrency exchange and empower the Binance ecosystem. It can also be used to cover transaction and trading fees on the Binance exchange. The app might be designed to facilitate the management of BNB tokens, enabling users to store, transfer, and use them within the Binance ecosystem. It is essential to note that the specific features and functionality of the bnbcoldwallet_bot app are not detailed in the search results, so further investigation or access to the app would be required to provide a more accurate description of its purpose.

JOIN BNBColdWallet HERE : (https://t.me/bnbcoldwallet_bot/app?startapp=R2020655791)

4. ROOLZ Quest

The RoOLZ Quest Bot is a Telegram bot that allows users to participate in quests, earn points, and potentially receive airdrops. Users can join the bot by following the link provided in the search results2. By completing the $Roolz stories in the quest, users can earn points and participate in the airdrop event. The bot is associated with a mining project. Users can follow the RoOLZ Twitter account (@Roolznft) to stay updated on the latest developments and announcements related to the quest bot and the airdrop event. The bot is designed to provide a fun and engaging experience for users, allowing them to earn rewards while participating in a unique and innovative project.

GODL is it’s native token.

JOIN ROOLZ project HERE : https://t.me/ROoLZQuest_bot?start=G8T2KNKZK

5. Memefi coin

MemeFi Coin is a new cryptocurrency that was launched on April 1, 2024. It is a decentralized digital asset that combines memes and cryptocurrency to tackle economic crises, aiming to create a more resilient economy through humor and innovative code. MemeFi Coin is available on various cryptocurrency exchanges, including Top100Token.com, where users can view the current price, trading volume, and other relevant information. The coin is also associated with a Telegram mining project. The project aims to leverage the power of memes and the Telegram platform to create a unique and engaging cryptocurrency experience.

JOIN NOW, you’re still early.

JOIN Memefi coin Today, and Sign UP HERE : https://t.me/memefi_coin_bot?start=r_1d31cedf91

6. TapSwap

TapSwap operates as a decentralized exchange (DEX) platform built on the Solana blockchain, offering users a secure, efficient, and fast environment for swapping cryptocurrencies.

JOIN TapSwap today click HERE and get a 2500 Token gift : (https://t.me/tapswap_bot?start=r_2020655791)

7. HotWallet

Hot coin mining is a process of earning Hot tokens by participating in activities on the NEAR Wallet platform. The process of hot coin mining involves setting up a profile, interacting with posts, and earning points to increase the airdrop of Hot tokens. Additionally, users can earn more points by referring friends to the platform and receiving a percentage of their referee’s points. The specifics of the mining process may vary, but it typically involves engaging with the platform and completing tasks or activities to earn rewards in the form of Hot tokens.

Hotwallet is the very first of it’s kind on Telegram built on the NEAR blockchain.

JOIN HereWalletBot App HERE : https://t.me/herewalletbot/app?startapp=851502

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