Finally jumping into self custody

I’ve been in the BTC game for some time but have always been a tad intimidated about self custody. When I first bought BTC in 2017 I also purchased 2 Ledgers for my brother and I but we never used them, probably still in a drawer somewhere. Like I said, I felt moving the BTC was a bit scary.

Flash forward to today and I very much agree with “Not your keys, not your BTC” so I purchased my brother and I each a Passport wallet and some titanium stamp seeds.

My question is:

Has anyone paid the $99 to Passport for the setup concierge service? Is it worth it? Still being a bit scared/intimidated about sending my BTC to cold storage I’ve been considering this walkthrough option and figure $99 is a drop in the bucket compared to where I expect BTC to go. Any thoughts?


Doing self custody for the first time with Passport and wanting info on the concierge service and its value. Thanks!

submitted by /u/No-Mission-3100

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