Don’t be a weak hand!

Don't be a weak hand!

Don't be a weak hand! Brothers it may be scary, but stay strong to the coin.

Though market analysts predict the coin to drop even further, don't be a sheep. Of course they want to spark fear and create doubt in the coin. Investors want the buy-in price to be cheaper. Never forget that there is a limited amount of bitcoin peroid, don't sell your shares!

Though there has been speculation with recent reports regards the US Fed interest rates, this is a world wide coin, get your heads out of the sand. Stay calm, ride the Rollercoaster, and without question we will still prevail.

Now if fact is a better time than ever to invest more into the coin. REMEMBER BUY LOW SELL HIGH!! Don't be a weak hand, stay strong!!

submitted by /u/Tacoslayer170

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