Anyone notice the difference between now and 2021-22?

It really is something. In 2021 and even early 22 when prices were tanking, everyone I talked to, friends family and clients, wanted to buy buy buy bitcoin. And now that’s it’s come back to make new ATH’s, no one and I mean no one that I talk to is even remotely interested in that conversation. The fact that it went from 100 to 20k and then 3k to 69k… the idea that it could go from 15k to 300k just behooves these ppl. Truly it’s hard to interact with humans. Luckily my family has me and they will have the bitcoin I’ve bought for them when the time comes.

Anyone else here buy bitcoin for their close friends or family who you know will never position themselves? So when the time truly comes they will have that protection started from years ago.

submitted by /u/purduecasket

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